What to do
When you find that little huddle of wildlife — raccoons, skunks, squirrels, possums, or other mammals, or maybe birds or reptiles, these are things you can do …
- Access the situation carefully — fledging birds are fed and protected by their parents on the ground, while many mammal mothers could return to help the baby. Did it fall from a visible nest? Put it back mammal and birds can be reunited by you, if it is safe for you to do so. Is the mother likely to return? Are cars, dogs, other wild animals, or even other humans, a threat?
- If it is a safe situation, and possible, leave them and give the parents a chance to return. If you are going to watch do it from a spot the parents can’t see you. This could take several hours for the parent to even feel comfortable coming back. But some flour around the rabbits nest or any solitary orphan. Mom will leave foot-prints. Give her a chance. However, if the area is one of traffic and human activity, dogs etc and the likelihood is slim, take a photo, and/or look carefully: is it injured? Does it ‘look’ dehydrated? Or something weird about it or the situation?
- Contact wildlife rescue centres by phone. Do not use email in an animal emergency. Call before taking an animal to a wildlife rescue centre. They may not be able to take it. Before you turn the animals over to them, ask questions. How will it be taken care of? What is its future? Does it need be euthanized? Be satisfied!
Caution: Humane societies, OSPCA & animal control locations cannot rehabilitate wildlife. They are allowed to put them down at no cost if necessary so ask first! There very few rehabbers in Ontario so sometimes there is no room for even one more. If no one can take your orphan or injured rescue, you may need the above services.
- Approach any species talking softly, calmly and in ultra-slow motion so they know you are not a threat. Use gloves, or a blanket or towel, to pick up it — it will be frightened and will not know you are a friend. Mammals: Put it deep in a dark box, with warm towels and blankets Beware fine materials or towels with loops as toenails can get caught. Darkness and warmth are very, very, necessary. Put in a dark, quite room away from children and pets. Handle as little as possible. Song birds, rabbits: if their empty nest is available bring them in it. If it is a bird of prey (hawk, eagle, owls) or large mammal (bears, moose, etc.) talk to a wildlife rescue centre first. These types of animals even if injured can be dangerous for you to handle.
- Best case scenario is for you to do nothing to the orphan, besides getting it to a rehabber. However if it has been left and Mom didn’t return over night, looks dehydrated, first get it warm. You may have trouble finding a rehabilitator to take the orphan, or give advice on how to keep it alive until you do find one, and you believe nourishment is necessary to keep it alive, you may need to rehydrate the orphaned. If the baby does not feel warm, do not feed it, as the stomach can’t process when cold and it will die. A heating pad on low, with only have the box/cage on it so they can move off the heat if necessary, or a hot water bottle wrapped in towel [even pop bottle] can work. Rehydrate first using Pedialyte [original no flavours or dyes]. If old enough they might lap, if not, administer with a 1 or 3 cc syringe [no needle], slowly, so they do not aspirate the fluids and you can measure how much the animal has taken. If the mammal is tiny put a drop on their lip, let them lick it. Aspiration occurs very easily. This can sustain them a day or two until you find a rehabber. Never give cows milk it will kill them. Some species tolerate goat’s milk some do not. Esbilac puppy formula or KMR kitten formula can be used with most mammals until a rehabber can take them. A raccoon can use a human baby bottle and nipple, other mammals cannot so continue using they syringe [it is better than an eyedropper]. All fluids should be warm, just like feeding a human baby. If they have little teeth they may be able to eat water soften puppy chow but will have never smelt or tasted anything but mom and her milk it will take time.
- Keep yourself clean, use gloves if possible, wash your hands after handling an animal, keep yourself, the animal and the box clean.
- Realize it is illegal to keep any wild animal as a pet. They are very different as cats or dogs when they are grown.
- Realize you have a family and pets, no cages, and don’t know what to feed them or do to keep them wild. They will get very big. You can’t take them on vacation.
- Realize it will want to live the free life for which it was intended. The time will come, when it is mature and would be breaking the bond with its own parent in the wild, and it is given to an accredited place, where that will be its future. You don’t know when or where to do that.
Do not use email regarding an animal emergency,
contact a wildlife rescue centre by phone only!